March Volunteers Spring Clean Silver City!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Pick It Up – Toss No Mas ‘Spring Cleaning’ Community Trash Cleanup on Saturday, March 18th, 2023. We had 25 volunteers and 4 teams who collected 1,360 pounds of trash and debris from our roads and waterways in Silver City. A special thank you to the Bridge to Ridge Team, Community Youth Build, Daughters of the American Revolution Jacob Bennett Chapter, and The Mint Chips for their participation in the event! We also want to thank Copper Country Dumpsters, LLC for sponsoring this event and providing a large dumpster so community members could bring their no longer functioning appliances and other household materials. We appreciate your support and couldn’t have done it without you!
Since October 2021, more than 470 community volunteers have picked up 12,792 pounds of trash, debris, and recyclables from Highways 180 and 90, Silver City neighborhoods, Big Ditch Park, and San Vicente Creek. Thank you for doing your part to keep Silver City clean and beautiful!
(Photo by Staff Candice Baca) Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner and Gila Resources Information Project Executive Director, Allyson Siwik, pose in front of the cleanup collection.