Pick It Up – Toss No Mas has lots of ways to help make Silver City clean and beautiful.
Volunteer for a monthly Community Trash Cleanup event every third Saturday of the month from 9 am – 12 pm in the Gough Park parking lot.
Host your own neighborhood or employee cleanup, and we can provide trash bags, gloves, safety vests, and trash pickup.
Adopt a roadway or a waterway and take care of your piece of Silver City on a regular basis.
Take the Business Pledge and commit to preventing litter at your business.
Welcome back, volunteers! Our next cleanup will be on February 15, 2025. We’ll post more information about that event soon. Until then, we hope you enjoy the winter months and continue to keep your Silver City neighborhoods clean and beautiful!
Happy New Year! We are so grateful for all of your support in 2024. Together, we accomplished a ton, several tons in fact! Our volunteers donated 634 hours of their time and picked up an incredible 9,344 lbs of trash in Silver City last year. By keeping this waste out of our streets, parks, and waterways, we make our town a safer, healthier, and more beautiful place to live. Please […]
On June 6th, we remember Matthew Reif, an Arizona man who died in 2006 when a piece of metal flew off a truck and hit his car. His tragic death inspired National Secure Your Load Day, a campaign to prevent accidents and litter caused by unsecured loads on our highways. Unsecured loads are a serious threat to our safety and our environment. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that they […]