Turkey Trot for Trash Community Cleanup
Join Silver City’s Pick It Up–Toss No Mas as we gear up for a Turkey Trot for Trash along Highway 180! This season, we’re embracing the Thanksgiving spirit by giving back to both our community and the environment. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 18th, 2023, and meet us at the Grant County Administration parking lot from 9 am to 12 pm. Lace up your running shoes and make a big difference in just 3 miles!
Volunteers may walk, jog, or run any portion of the route while picking up litter along Highway 180. We encourage volunteers to remain aware of their surroundings and utilize designated crosswalks along the route.
Volunteers should meet at the Grant County Administration parking lot located at 1400 US-180 East in Silver City, at 9 am on Saturday, November 18th. Grab your supplies, including trash bags, gloves, trash pickers, snacks, and free t-shirts for new volunteers.
Volunteers should wear closed-toe shoes and bring a hat, water bottle, and sunscreen. Children 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Families with younger children are encouraged to clean up litter in their neighborhood, local parks or waterways as children under 12 are not permitted on state highways for the cleanup.
Thank you to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for hauling the collected trash to the landfill. Recyclables will be recycled with Silver City Recycles.
Check out the Pick It Up-Toss No Mas website www.silvercitytossnomas.org to sign up to volunteer and to learn about litter prevention opportunities, the business pledge program, Adopt-A-Roadway or Waterway program, and solid waste disposal and recycling resources.
Volunteers are the foundation of the Pick It Up – Toss No Mas program. Since October 2021, over 661 volunteers have picked up over 17,703 pounds of trash, debris, and recyclables from Highways 180 and 90, Silver City neighborhoods, Big Ditch Park and San Vicente Creek.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers, organizations and partners for their outstanding dedication to helping clean up Silver City in October. Together, we removed 600 pounds of litter during our Trick-or-Trash Community Cleanup. It was a spook-tacular success thanks to the commitment of our amazing volunteers!
Although monthly Pick It Up – Toss No Mas clean-up events are held the third Saturday of the month, please note that cleanups will not be held in December and January. We’ll see you on Saturday, February 17, 2024.
Community members can also adopt a roadway or waterway to take care of and clean up throughout the year. On top of that, Pick It Up – Toss No Mas can provide guidance for those who would like to put on their own clean up event, helping to supply the trash pickers, trash bags and gloves for your event.
Pick It Up – Toss No Mas community cleanup events are sponsored by the Town of Silver City, New Mexico Clean and Beautiful, Silver City Watershed Keepers, Silver City Recycles, Silver City MainStreet, SWNMACT, Southwest Solid Waste Authority, Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce, and New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Toss No Mas Program.